Doing the math of college tuition costs
KAI RYSSDAL: Wall Street's credit crunch has come to the world of student loans. Back in April, a group of investors agreed to pay $25 billion for the federally chartered student loan company Sallie Mae. Since then, of course, much of the financing for those big leveraged buyouts has dried up. Today, we learned the potential buyers want to renegotiate their purchase price. Another thing that's weighing on their minds is a bill the president signed today -- it'll pump another $20 billion into federally-backed student aid programs, in part by cutting subsidies to lenders like Sallie Mae. Commentator Kim Clark says more money for college students is all well and good. But we ought to check the math on how we factor those costs in the first place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KIM CLARK: You know how kids crack open algebra textbooks and whine "Why do I have to learn formulas? Nobody uses this in the real world!" Wel...