Jubilee USA Launches Puerto Rico Radio Spots Ahead of Super Tuesday : Indybay
The religious development coalition Jubilee USA is launching radio spots focused on Puerto Rico's debt crisis ahead of "Super Tuesday" presidential primary elections. The religious development coalition Jubilee USA is launching radio spots focused on Puerto Rico's debt crisis ahead of "Super Tuesday" presidential primary elections. The radio placements will air on 125 stations in the "make or break" state of Texas asking the presidential candidates to address the crisis in the US Territory. Puerto Rico's government is $72 billion in debt and closed 200 schools, cut health care and used pension funds to make debt payments. Puerto Rico's 3.5 million residents - nearly half of whom live in poverty - are US citizens and are eligible to vote in the US presidential primaries. The debt crisis helped push 10% of the island's population to leave for the US mainland over the past decade. Many of those citizens will vote in primaries on Super Tu...