
Showing posts from December, 2020

Trump made lasting impact on federal courts

  WASHINGTON (AP) — On this, even President Donald Trump’s most fevered critics agree: He has left a deep imprint on the federal courts that will outlast his one term in office for decades to come. He used the promise of conservative judicial appointments to win over Republican skeptics as a candidate. Then as president, he relied on outside conservative legal organizations and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to employ an assembly line-like precision to install more than 230 judges on the federal bench, including the three newest justices of the Supreme Court. Trump never tired of boasting about it. Indeed, undeterred by Democratic criticism, the Senate was still confirming judges more than a month after Trump lost his reelection bid to Joe Biden. “Trump has basically done more than any president has done in a single term since (President Jimmy) Carter to put his stamp on the judiciary,” said Jonathan Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cle

Joe Biden Officially Captures Enough Electoral Votes to Win Presidency

he  Electoral College  on Monday reaffirmed  Joe Biden  as president-elect after California’s 55 electoral votes put the Democrat over the 270 needed to win the White House. The outcome, according to an Associated Press tally, came as President Trump—with the backing of many Republicans—continued to dispute November’s election results. The next major step in the process of electing the president comes Jan. 6, when Vice President Mike Pence is expected to preside over a joint session of Congress in which the totals from each state will be counted and an outcome declared. The Electoral College, meeting in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, conducted its business in an environment of heightened significance given Mr. Trump’s protests about an unofficial outcome that showed him losing to Mr. Biden, 232 votes to 306 votes. In most of the states that held gatherings, the process took less than an hour.   s of early evening Eastern time, the AP tally showed Mr. Biden leading Mr. Trum