Giuliani lawyers attack prosecutors, searches in Ukraine probe

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani attacked federal prosecutors for their recent raids of his home and office, as they probe the former New York City mayor's business dealings in Ukraine at a time he was serving as then-U.S. President Donald Trump's lawyer. In a letter made public on Monday, Giuliani's lawyers objected to the "sweeping nature" of the April 28 searches and the legitimacy of a November 2019 search of his iCloud account, and want to see prosecutors' basis for obtaining warrants underlying those searches. They also said prosecutors claimed to secretly obtain the iCloud warrant on concern Giuliani might destroy evidence or intimidate witnesses, an accusation that "strains credulity" and was "extremely damaging" to Giuliani's reputation. Prosecutors "simply chose to treat a distinguished lawyer as if he was the head of a drug cartel or a terrorist, in order to create maximum prejudicial coverage of both Giu...