From Telegram to Twitter: Top Puerto Rican Officials Plotted Possible Information Operation
A cohort of troll accounts spread pro-government hashtags and targeted opposition figures on Twitter while participants in a private Telegram chat group , including Governor Ricardo Rosselló and several other Puerto Rican government officials, discussed similar campaigns, a DFRLab investigation has revealed. After an anonymous source leaked the chat logs, protesters began demanding the governor’s resignation. On July 24, Rosselló announced that he will leave his post effective August 2, 2019. The DFRLab cannot say with certainty that the chat participants directed the troll accounts; however, the timing and specificity with which the officials discussed the accounts’ actions within the chat suggest a degree of complicity. At worst, the chat logs show several Puerto Rican government officials organizing an information operation to boost pro-government messages and target opponents; at best, they show them actively endorsing such an operation. After analyzing almo...