
Showing posts from September, 2015

Where the candidates stand on the issues: Democratic Debate Schedule

Amid all the mudslinging and maneuvering, the hype and the histrionics, it’s easy to forget what a presidential campaign is really about: the issues. Yahoo Politics is here to help. From now until Election Day, we’ll be keeping track of where every candidate stands on the topics that matter most. Amid all the mudslinging and maneuvering, the hype and the histrionics, it’s easy to forget what a presidential campaign is really about: the issues. Yahoo Politics is here to help. From now until Election Day, we’ll be keeping track of where every candidate stands on the topics that matter most.   Whenever one of the 2016 White House hopefuls releases a new plan, we’ll summarize it for you. Whenever one of them changes his or her position, we’ll explain how. And we’ll keep adding new policy roundups along the way.  Democratic Debate Schedule October 13, 2015 (CNN) November 14, 2015 (CBS) December 19, 2015 (ABC) January 17, 2016 (NBC) February or March, 2016 (Univision) February or Ma

Campaign contributions and Puerto Rico

The 2016 presidential campaign is in full swing as candidates from both national parties are crisscrossing the nation in search of money and votes. In recent years, the United States Territory of Puerto Rico has become one of the more attractive landing spots for those seeking to live at Pennsylvania 1600. Ever since the 2008 primary between President Barack Obama and former First Lady Hillary Clinton, our Island have been routinely visited by most of the top tiered presidential candidates in search of money and more money. Votes? Maybe, if the primary is heated, such as was the case in 2008 when Clinton needed a win in Puerto Rico to make it competitive. But that was the exception, not the rule. They all come, but they come mainly for the money. Being a non-incorporated territory, the Island does not have the right to send senators and representatives to Congress. It also means that we don’t have a vote in the presidential race either. There’s a paradox here. A circle of self-depe

Blog Archive English Now Second Place in Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rican Senate recently approved a bill declaring Spanish as the first official language of the country, moving English to second place. The 1993 law proceeding this new regulation put both English and Spanish on equal footing making both compulsory in executive, legislative and judicial matters. “By establishing Spanish as the first official language, we will strengthen our cultural identity and validate the reality that more than 80% of Puerto Ricans do not understand nor speak English,” said Fas Alzamora in an explanatory statement on the bill. The bill was introduced in August 2014 by the ex-president of the ruling Popular Democratic Party (PDP), Antonio Fas Alzamora. It was rejected in June, but reconsidered in late-August with support from a majority of ruling party Senators. Eight senators from the ruling opposition party rejected the bill. “In the 21st century, government efforts should focus on ‘multiculturalism’, including the diversity of languages,” Senate presi

Clinton raised up to $500K in Puerto Rico visit

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly brought in between $200,000 and $500,000 for her campaign in a Puerto Rico fundraiser Friday.   Clinton attended the 200-person event at the Condado Plaza Hilton in San Juan for approximately 90 minutes, according to CNN .   Attendees paid between $1,000 and $2,700 each for seats at Clinton’s fundraiser.   The 2016 Democratic front-runner’s brief stop on the island included a visit to a nearby hospital for a roundtable discussion on healthcare.   The former secretary of State also weighed in on Puerto Rico’s future political status within the United States during her stay.   “It is just hard to justify how you can be an American citizen in Puerto Rico and be treated so different in so many ways,” Clinton told listeners.   “This comes down to basic rights,” she added. “Puerto Ricans have the right to form a government of your choice that is representative at all levels of government, just as you have a right to equality as

Hillary Clinton campaigns in Puerto Rico

Hillary Clinton campaigns in Puerto Rico

Rubio, Clinton campaign in Puerto Rico [Video]

Rubio, Clinton campaign in Puerto Rico

Clinton Calls on GOP To Let Puerto Rico Use Chap. 9 Bankruptcy

“"Not a single Republican has stepped up in Washington to support the leaders in Puerto Rico. And they’re not offering any alternatives either. And that is unacceptable” NOTE: Puerto Rico’s Public Finance Corp failed to pay bondholders an additional $4m of interest due Sept. 1, the agency disclosed today Puerto Rico’s Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla in June said Puerto Rico and its agencies were unable to repay all of its $72b of debt on time and in full and said the commonwealth would seek to delay payments Congress needs to give authority to let “severely distressed” public corporations and municipalities restructure their debts, Hillary Clinton says at event in Puerto Rico Jennifer Epstein Clinton Calls on GOP To Let Puerto Rico Use Chap. 9 Bankruptcy

Clinton, Rubio Court Puerto Rico Voters as Crisis Looms

Puerto Rico's financial crisis loomed over dueling Friday campaign appearances by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Marco Rubio, two presidential contenders with sharply different positions on a key issue for Puerto Rican voters whose influence is growing in U.S. politics. In a speech delivered entirely in Spanish, Rubio blamed Clinton supporters for the U.S. territory's economic problems as he railed against giving Puerto Rico bankruptcy protection to resolve a staggering $72 billion debt. "The people who are rallying behind her today are the people who put Puerto Rico in this fiscal mess to begin with," the young Florida senator told about 150 people crammed into an open-air restaurant in San Juan's gritty neighborhood of Santurce. Clinton, who won Puerto Rico's 2008 Democratic primary election, defended her support for giving Puerto Rico bankruptcy protection during a round-table discussion focused on the island's health-care problems. She

Hillary Clinton To Make A Thank You Trip To Puerto Rico [Radio]

Hillary Clinton goes to Puerto Rico on Friday to thank voters there for past support in the primaries, and offering her support for more lenient treatment of the island's mounting public debt. Hillary Clinton To Make A Thank You Trip To Puerto Rico

Marco Rubio 2016: Opposes Puerto Rico bankruptcy lifeline

Marco Rubio opposes giving Puerto Rico the same type of bankruptcy protection available to U.S. towns and cities mired in fiscal crisis, the Florida senator will say Friday as he visits the American territory for the first time as a 2016 contender. In an op-ed to be published in both Spanish and English, Rubio blames the "liberal ideology" of Puerto Rico's politicians, creating a "toxic brew of economic stagnation, higher taxes and bloated government." "Allowing Puerto Rican municipalities to reorganize their debts under Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code would not solve Puerto Rico’s problems and should only be a measure of last resort considered if Puerto Rico takes significant steps to fix its budget and economic mess,” he writes. The op-ed was timed to coincide with Rubio’s first visit to the island as a presidential candidate. And his position sets him apart from other 2016 contenders, including Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, who have supported Ch

US presidential hopeful Marco Rubio to visit Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio is scheduled to visit the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico this week, his staff said Tuesday. Spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas told The Associated Press that the Florida senator will meet with supporters on Friday in the capital of San Juan. Rubio's one-day visit will coincide with that of Democrat Hillary Clinton . He is scheduled to attend a fundraiser before the rally. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley visited Puerto Rico last month, becoming the first Democratic presidential candidate to make a campaign stop on the island this year. GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush arrived in late April for a fundraiser and a town hall meeting in which he endorsed the idea of statehood for the territory. Puerto Rico residents cannot vote in U.S. presidential elections but can participate in primaries. A growing number of Puerto Ricans have moved to the U.S. mainland as the island faces a 12 percent unemployment rat

Clinton locks down key endorsement ahead of Puerto Rico visit

Ahead of Hillary Clinton’s first campaign stop in Puerto Rico on Friday afternoon, New York's first Hispanic City Council speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, endorsed the Democratic front-runner in an op-ed in Puerto Rico’s largest newspaper. “For Puerto Ricans — both on the island and throughout the diaspora — this election [is] the most important in our lifetime,” Mark-Viverito writes in Nuevo Dia. “Hillary supports Puerto Rico’s push to be allowed to declare bankruptcy and be allowed to restructure its debt. Hillary has also highlighted the inequality Puerto Rico faces by its lack of federal funding under Medicare and Medicaid.” Mark-Viverito is considered a rising star in New York City politics and has begun to make a name for herself on the national stage speaking out on immigration. She remains a well-known figure in Puerto Rico and plans to campaign for Clinton and other Democrats in 2016 in Florida, which has a booming Puerto Rican population, a spokesman said. Mark-Viverito

Rubio, Clinton to campaign in Puerto Rico on the same day

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will hit the presidential campaign trail in Puerto Rico this Friday, the same day that Hillary Clinton heads to the island. Rubio’s campaign announced the trip on Tuesday, inviting journalists to a Friday afternoon rally at a restaurant near the island’s coast. Clinton’s team confirmed that she’ll be campaigning in Puerto Rico on the same day but has not yet released an itinerary. The visits from the White House hopefuls come as the island faces a crisis over more than $70 billion in debt. The New York Times reported that Puerto Rican officials had to delay work on a financial plan thanks to recent storms, and that the new deadline to complete a plan is Sept. 8. While American cities are allowed to declare bankruptcy, U.S. states and territories cannot. Clinton in July called on Congress to let Puerto Rico have access to bankruptcy laws and to help it restructure its debts. Rubio hasn’t publicly articulated his stance on the debt crisis, with aides tell