Clinton Calls on GOP To Let Puerto Rico Use Chap. 9 Bankruptcy

  • “"Not a single Republican has stepped up in Washington to support the leaders in Puerto Rico. And they’re not offering any alternatives either. And that is unacceptable”

  • NOTE: Puerto Rico’s Public Finance Corp failed to pay bondholders an additional $4m of interest due Sept. 1, the agency disclosed today
  • Puerto Rico’s Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla in June said Puerto Rico and its agencies were unable to repay all of its $72b of debt on time and in full and said the commonwealth would seek to delay payments

  • Congress needs to give authority to let “severely distressed” public corporations and municipalities restructure their debts, Hillary Clinton says at event in Puerto Rico

    Jennifer Epstein

    Clinton Calls on GOP To Let Puerto Rico Use Chap. 9 Bankruptcy


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