How the Iowa caucuses work and how they are different than a primary? [Video]

Here are the key differences in the Iowa Democratic and Republican caucuses

In February 2019, Iowa Democrats announced a plan to allow people to "caucus virtually" in the week leading up to the 2020 caucus on Feb. 3. Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price called the proposed changes the "most significant" alterations to the Iowa caucuses since their inception in 1972. However, on Aug. 30, 2019, Democratic National Committee officials said they will reject Iowa's plan.

What is a caucus?

A caucus is a gathering of fellow party members to discuss their presidential preferences, elect local party leadership and discuss issues that make up the party’s platform.
The Iowa caucuses for both parties will be held Feb. 3, 2020
There are several differences between the Democratic and Republican caucuses, but the key one is that in the Democratic caucus, the participants separate into groups based on their support of a candidate. In the Republican caucus, participants simply cast a vote of support.
A caucus generally begins with a call to order. Party leaders take care of general business, including election of a chairman or chairwoman and secretary to head the night’s proceedings.
In both parties’ caucuses, the presidential candidates or a representative for them sometimes speak briefly before the caucus starts.

How is it different than a primary?

A primary resembles a general election in which registered voters cast a vote by secret ballot for their preferred candidate.

The Democratic caucus


Caucusgoers are asked to divide into groups based on their preferred candidate. Participants can also move to an uncommitted group.


Caucus participants are counted to set the number of supporters each candidate’s preference group must have to reach viability, typically 15% of the votes at the caucus site


Groups that do not meet the previously set viability threshold are asked to realign. There are two options:
  • Group members can abandon their group to support a different candidate.
  • Group members can recruit individuals from other groups to join them.


Once all preference groups meet the established viability threshold, the number of delegates for each group will be determined. Each group then elects its delegates and alternates from within the group. All participants then reconvene and take a verbal vote to ratify the selection of delegates.

The Republican caucus


Participants are asked to cast a vote for their preferred candidate for president. The delegates that will represent Iowa at the Republican National Convention will be divided proportionally to the statewide vote.


The votes are counted and the chair announces the number of delegates to be elected by the precinct to attend the county convention.


The delegates are nominated based on the candidates receiving the most votes and confirmed by all caucus participants

Where are the caucuses held?

A caucus is usually held at a school or other public building in a precinct, depending on expected turnout. Churches, union halls, fire stations, businesses and private homes also serve as caucus sites.

Who can caucus?

You must be eligible to vote in the state of Iowa; 18 years old by the date of the presidential election, Nov. 3, 2020; and registered as a Democrat or Republican.
You can register to vote or change parties on caucus night. No specific identification is required.

Other caucus business

Results: Once the presidential preference proceedings are done, the results are  reported to the state party, where they will be verified, then reported to the media and the public.
Committees: Caucus participants conduct additional committee elections and discussions to help prepare for the county convention.
Platform: The party platform is also discussed, which can include taking proposals for new resolutions. If the resolutions are adopted, they’re forwarded to the county convention.

Iowa business leaders and child care advocates join together to tackle the shortage of safe, affordable child care.Zachary Boyden-Holmes

How the Iowa caucuses work and how they are different than a primary?


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