New York lawmaker raises funds in Puerto Rico amid debt crisis

Never mind that Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is an ambitious but still relatively unknown Republican from upstate New York. Thanks to her political connections, she has fans in Puerto Rico.

And Puerto Ricans may be counting their friends in Washington. With an imminent debt crisis looming over the Caribbean commonwealth that threatens the U.S. municipal bond market, Puerto Rico wants its public companies protected by U.S. bankruptcy rules.

Whether or not Stefanik, who at 30 is the youngest woman to ever serve in the House, has a chance to influence much of that debate, she has managed to raise more money this year from inhabitants of the U.S. territory than any other candidate or committee. That includes even the archipelago’s own non-voting delegate in Congress, Pedro Pierluisi (D-P.R.), and his challenger, according to an OpenSecrets Blog analysis of campaign data. That’s all thanks to a fundraiser held in early March at the home an insurance executive who knows Stefanik from her days working on former Minnesota governor and 2012 presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty’s campaign.

“Through friends in the campaign, I was told she was running for Congress. She phoned and asked for support during her primary. I asked her what her position was regarding Puerto Rican statehood, our primary issue, and she said she favored the Republican Party’s platform…which includes statehood,” Jose B. Carrión, the fundraiser’s host, said.

“When she won, I said, listen, I’d love to host a fundraiser for you, and she said great,” he said.

At $17,535, the total amount given by Puerto Ricans to Stefanik made up 11 percent of all funds the congresswoman raised from individual donors from January 1 through March 30. Donations ranged from $250 to $2,700. Many of the donors’ occupations went unreported, so it’s difficult to tell what their business interests may have been.

Puerto Rico’s largest bank, Banco Popular, pays $120,000 per quarter to Podesta Group in lobbying expenses to monitor and influence banking policy, while the commonwealth’s Department of the Treasury pays the firm $150,000 per quarter lobby bankruptcy legislation. Stefanik’s communications director, Tom Flanagin, said the congresswoman hasn’t been lobbied by Popular.

Carrión said he has no business interests likely to be affected by Puerto Rico’s debt crisis.

Despite the ominous news that Puerto Rico could not pay $72 billion dollars in public debt, that’s not the defining issue in territorial politics, Carrión said. That remains the issue of whether the island should be granted statehood, about which not all Puerto Ricans agree.

Stefanik supports his position: She co-sponsored a Puerto Rico statehood bill in the House earlier this year. But the fundraisers — Carrión also once held one for Rep. John Mica, (R-Fla.) — can be seen as more than the alignment of political interests on the statehood issue. They also amounted to a diversification in fundraising for campaigns in general.

OpenSecrets Blog reported Tuesday that more than 99 percent of the money from the top 500 donors in 2014 came from contributors who are white. Just 0.7 percent came from donors with one of the 100 most-common Latino surnames, or about 4 percent of the U.S population.

Stefanik is the tip of the spear when it comes to the Republicans’ millennial outreach efforts. Courting any Latino group would seem to align with that role: According to the Pew Research Center, 19 percent of millenials are Hispanic. Stefanik’s district overall is just 3.1 percent Latino.

“Congresswoman Stefanik accepted an invitation from supporters from her previous campaign to do a fundraiser earlier this year which she was grateful for,” Flanagin said. “She is supportive of outreach to all kinds of diverse communities for engagement in the political process.”

In terms of her campaign finances, the lawmaker has a full arsenal. Her latest statement of organization, filed to the FEC Monday, shows she’s connected to no fewer than five joint fundraising committees, which no longer have aggregate contribution limits for individual donors. In April, she reported total contributions, from individuals and other committees, topping $300,000 for 2015’s first quarter.


New York lawmaker raises funds in Puerto Rico amid debt crisis


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